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Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests,


Envision a world where the air is pure, the water pristine, the land fertile, the climate stable, food abundant, biodiversity thriving, and people healthy and content. This isn't a mere fantasy; it's the world we've inherited from our ancestors and the legacy we aspire to pass down to our descendants. This world is within our reach, but it faces imminent peril. Our Earth grapples with unparalleled environmental challenges—pollution, food and water scarcity, deforestation, desertification, greenhouse gas emissions, and climate change. These issues are not abstract or distant; they directly impact our health, economy, security, and future.


The most recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reveals that global average temperatures have surged by 1.1°C since the pre-industrial era and are poised to reach 1.5°C by 2040 if we persist on our current emission trajectory. This grim reality carries catastrophic consequences for the natural systems supporting life on our planet, including glaciers, coral reefs, forests, and oceans. Moreover, it will intensify the frequency and severity of extreme weather events—heatwaves, droughts, floods, storms, and wildfires.


This trajectory threatens the food security and water accessibility for millions, particularly in the developing world. It worsens poverty, inequality, conflict, and migration, imperiling the survival of numerous species and ecosystems. We can no longer afford to overlook or procrastinate addressing these issues.


We bear a moral responsibility to safeguard the environment and the well-being of current and future generations. We hold a scientific duty to base our decisions on the best available evidence and knowledge, and a political obligation to collaborate and coordinate our actions across local, national, and international levels.


As scientists, engineers, and policymakers, we possess a unique role and opportunity to effect change. We wield the skills, tools, and influence to innovate, communicate, and implement solutions. We can develop and deploy clean and renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, and biofuels. We can enhance energy efficiency and conservation across various sectors—transportation, industry, buildings, and agriculture. We can champion sustainable land use and management through reforestation, restoration, and conservation. We can reduce waste and pollution by embracing circular economy principles—reusing, recycling, and repairing. We can bolster resilience and adaptation by investing in infrastructure, technology, and social protection systems.


To accomplish this, we must raise awareness and foster education by engaging with a diverse array of stakeholders, including media, civil society, business, and academia. But we cannot embark on this mission in isolation. We must work together, transcending disciplines, sectors, and borders. We must share knowledge, experiences, and resources, listen to one another's perspectives and concerns, and respect one another's values and interests. Trust and partnership are paramount, for we confront a global challenge that demands a global response, united by a common vision that inspires collective action.


Our window of opportunity necessitates a sense of urgency. Among the most pressing facets of this challenge is the global food crisis. The World Food Programme (WFP) estimates that over 200 million people grapple with emergency and famine conditions, a crisis fueled by conflict, economic shocks, climate extremes, and soaring fertilizer prices. A staggering 783 million individuals face chronic hunger. This is not merely a humanitarian tragedy but a threat to global stability and peace.


Immediate action is essential to save lives and invest in solutions that secure food security for all. This entails providing assistance to those in immediate need and addressing the root causes of hunger and food insecurity by supporting long-term resilience-building programs. It involves promoting sustainable agricultural practices that enhance productivity while preserving natural resources, bolstering social protection systems to shield individuals from shocks and stresses, and empowering women and girls, who play a pivotal role in food production and consumption.


As guests on this planet, we bear a duty to respect its limits and care for its resources. We have an opportunity to leave it better than we found it—for ourselves and for generations to come. The time for action is now. Let us effect change not through words alone, but through concrete actions.

President of AIRDUSA

Dr. Serwan Abdullah Ismail

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